The EURREP Team will present its research at the European Population Conference 2014 in Budapest!
Éva Beaujouan
- Union dynamics and fertility
- Is fertility still correlated to the number of siblings? A cross-generational study including half-siblings
- Educational differences in tempo and quantum of childbearing in Britain: a study of cohorts born 1940-1964
- Estimates of the contribution of rising educational participation to partnership postponement: a model-based decomposition for the U.K., France and Belgium
Zuzanna Brzozowska
- How did changes in female educational structure affect fertility in state socialism? Evidence from seven Central and South Eastern European countries
- Education and non-marital conception outcomes in Central Europe: a comparison of trends in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia
Anna Matysiak
Anna Matysiak & Tomáš Sobotka
- Did the reversal in the cross-country association between women’s labor force participation and fertility really take place? A cohort view
- The impact of the Great Recession on fertility in Europe: a multi-level study
Tomáš Sobotka & Éva Beaujouan
Kryštof Zeman